Deep Ecology


Welcome to the Deep Ecology website.

IMG 1176

Find all online works of the Deep Ecology exhibition below

Elena Jalsovec


See the full video by Elena here

Manuela Hanna

You can read Manuala's piece Capacity here

And listen to her guitar song here

Kianush Monschau

A World Building Zine (in progress) by Kianush Hard Science

Máté Szilassi

Listen to Máté's soundscapes:

Nightmare soundscape for the future Amsterdam Science Park Dream soundscape for the future Amsterdam Science Park

And read more about his research here: The sounds of our choices

Ilse Nederveen

A short story by Ilse A Hidden Park

Marcell Völler

Some background on Marcell's Mycelium Adventures A Fungal Story

Fred Saunders

Fred's short story Demolition

Leia Amerding

Dream of Science Park by Leia

My dream of Science Park Final version

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